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Marion Education Support Professionals represents the support professionals employed by the Marion County School Board. Our goal is to provide the best education for all children. Members work to improve learning through the collective bargaining process and lobbying lawmakers. Improving our members’ salary, rights, and working conditions, will improve the students’ learning conditions. MESP members are dedicated to improving the public school system in Marion County.

Building A Stronger Union
Join a Committee
Elections- Committe Director Monica Amaya
Elections for MESP officers and other members of the Executive Board, held in the spring, are supervised by the elections committee.
MEMBERSHIP-Committe Director Lavinia
This committee works to increase membership in our organization and works to improve benefits for our members.
Collective Baragaining- Committee Director Melissa Merryweather
Wages and working conditions are all negotiated through a collective bargaining process. The School Board and MESP each have representatives who come together throughout the year to collectively bargain the terms of our contracts. There is a contract for all non-instructional staff, or ESPs. As new language is agreed to by the collective bargaining teams, it is submitted to the School Board members and to members of the bargaining unit for ratification.
Events- Committee Director Flora Weathers
MESP has numerous events throughout the year including an Appreciation Day, Rep Council Training and Family Day picnics . These events are important to our organization, and we are always in need of individuals who are willing and able to plan them. This is a great way to get involved.
Government Relations- Committeee Director (Open)
We need members to able to take action and keep up and contact your local and state legislators. Take a stand speak at Town Hall or local board meetings.
Sunshine- Committee Director Marisol Martinez
Is just a little way to help members stay happy and positive throughout the year. We plan socials, organize treat days, and give little appreciation gifts throughout the school year. Over the years, this committee has definitely helped me feel appreciated and loved throughout the year.
If your interested in joining please contact Committee Director by email.