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Marion Education Support Professionals represents the support professionals employed by the Marion County School Board. Our goal is to provide the best education for all children. Members work to improve learning through the collective bargaining process and lobbying lawmakers. Improving our members’ salary, rights, and working conditions, will improve the students’ learning conditions. MESP members are dedicated to improving the public school system in Marion County.

MESP membership demonstrates a commitment to work with colleagues to strengthen our profession to ensure the success of every student. Your involvement gives you access to benefits, valuable resources, professional development opportunities, and the power to make positive changes. MESP we stand united to protect, defend and promte the rights of members. our joint enrollment in local, state, and national affiliates is a clear demonstration of your commitment to the overall success of our school system. As a merged state, we were brought into alliance with both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers – greatly expanding the tangible benefits available to our members.
Executive Director
Chris Altobello--MESP/MEA
2801 SW College Road, Suite 14 Ocala Fl. 34474
Office number-- 352-237-6275 ext. 5162
Position Name Cell Phone Email Address
President April Rose-Mccoy 352-547-7122
Vice-President Lavinia Correa Davila 352-470-5866
Secretary Melissa Merriweather 352-405-6905
Treasurer Monica Amaya 352-454-4912
Director-Para Seat #1 Karri Judd 352-572-4054
Director-Para Seat #2 Lynn Bennett 352-817-1413
Director- Unspecified Flora Weathers 352-361-5580
Director-Clerical Marisol Martinez 352-364-3634